[Game] Tried playing Mario with MIDI

Personally I like the Yoshi sound effect

Personally I like the Yoshi sound effect

Title (Japanese) MIDIでマリオをプレイしてみた
Title (Translated) Tried playing Mario with MIDI
User くに
Upload date October 23 2007
Video link sm1344174 (2:13)
Japanese skills required? No

The first minute of this video is what seems like a normal playthrough of a Super Mario World level. However, what is really happening is that everything you hear, including the sound effects, is copied using MIDI! The second half of the video demonstrates this by playing only the sound effects and showing their MIDI scores.

[User spotlight] TAKE

Just the usual.

Just the usual.

Known for Self-made Super Mario World maps

TAKE’s most popular series are his 自作の改造マリオを友人にプレイさせる (Got my friend to play my self-made Mario maps) videos – in fact, he has made three such series to date. As the series’ name states, TAKE gets his friend キバ to play his maps and then uploads the resulting gameplay video. Typical stuff, right?

Except the maps are hard. Brutally hard.

Just hit the switch, right? Easy.

Just hit the switch, you say?

For instance, one map requires racing against time, running up a tower while keeping a beanstalk growing. Another supposedly lets you “win” instantly, only to make you fall down a hole and lose shortly after. And yet another turns Mario into Rhythm Heaven Hell. There are also recurring elements to the levels, such as abandoning Yoshi for extra jump height.

In any case, most videos tend to end up with “die”gest sections – montages of deaths upon deaths. TAKE’s friend キバ has gotten so used to the brutality that you can even see a marked change in his playing skills between the first and third series.

Other series by TAKE included a self-made Pokemon series (where you’re stuck with your started Pokemon and all enemies are several times higher in level that you), and Mario Party (TAKE vs. キバ vs. two bots) series. His gameplay video mylist can be found here.

user002-03 自作の改造マリオ(スーパーマリオワールド)を友人にプレイさせる
Got my friend to play my self-made Mario (Super Mario World) maps
user002-04 自作の改造マリオを友人にプレイさせる 第二作 Part1
Got my friend to play my self-made Mario maps – Creation 2 Part 1
自作の改造マリオを友人にプレイさせる 第三作 Part1
Got my friend to play my self-made Mario maps – Creation 3 Part 1