[Music] Mousou♥Express transcription



Title (Japanese) 【囮物語OP】もうそうえくすぷれすを吹奏楽にしてみた(TVsize)
Title (Translated) 【Otorimonogatari OP】Used wind instruments to play Mousou Express (TVsize)
User Yoshiuh
Upload date October 6 2013
Video link sm21981759 (1:33)
Japanese skills required? No

Sounding much like the epic BGM of a final boss battle is this wind instrument transcription of Otorimonogatari’s OP “Mousou♥Express”. I have to say, this song is quite a turn from Renai Circulation…

[Game] Tried playing Mario with MIDI

Personally I like the Yoshi sound effect

Personally I like the Yoshi sound effect

Title (Japanese) MIDIでマリオをプレイしてみた
Title (Translated) Tried playing Mario with MIDI
User くに
Upload date October 23 2007
Video link sm1344174 (2:13)
Japanese skills required? No

The first minute of this video is what seems like a normal playthrough of a Super Mario World level. However, what is really happening is that everything you hear, including the sound effects, is copied using MIDI! The second half of the video demonstrates this by playing only the sound effects and showing their MIDI scores.